(1935 - 2020 Dec 13): Age 85
Stan suddenly and unexpectedly passed away in December 2020. He was a retired Professor of Anthropology, forensic scientist, mentor, researcher, academic, leader, writer, railroad historian, model train builder (from scratch), automated piano restorer, guru and go-to guy. Stan's wry witticism and sense of humor amused and entertained many over his lifetime, as did his micro-signature, which required a magnifying glass to read. From his book "Bone Voyage", published in 1998, to numerous articles for train magazines and winning entries in "Southwest Writers", to his most recent accomplishments this past summer: "Singing Mice, Talking Dogs and Other Shaggy Dog Stories" and "An Omnium Gatherum", Stan demonstrated his incredible range of talents and interests. As a professor at UNM in the 1960s and 1970s, he taught a generation of archaeologists in osteology. He leaves behind his devastated wife, Sue Jimenez and two cats, Tux and Shadow, as well as cousins Kristen Wood (Vern Argo), Vicki Chouinard (Lou), sister-in-law Nancy Braley (Rodger) and many friends and admirers. A donation to American Heart Foundation would be appreciated, or to a charity of your choice.